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Recipient Stories

Foundation Scholarships Assisted Teacher to Reach Her Goals

Alexis Walker

Alexis Walker was a seven-year Chickasaw Foundation scholarship recipient, which included the James & Carolee Cundiff Grants, Patricia (Trisha) Fowler Hays & Phillip Gregory (Greg) Hays Educational Scholarship, Colbert “Bud” Baker Memorial Scholarship (twice) and the Mooniene Ogee Memorial Scholarship (three times). She received these seven scholarships while attending the University of Central Oklahoma and East Central University as an undergraduate student, and the University of Oklahoma and the University of North Texas as a graduate student.

“Being able to have the financial component of college taken care of allowed me to focus my efforts on my education,” Walker stated. “I was able to get through my undergraduate years with a limited amount of money spent out of pocket because of the generosity of the Chickasaw Foundation’s donors and the Chickasaw Nation.”

Because of the financial stability the Foundation provided for her, Walker decided to take it a step further. “I had the motivation and support to earn my master’s degree,” she explained. “I am grateful the Chickasaw Foundation and the Chickasaw Nation supported and funded my dreams of being a teacher and a curriculum and instruction specialist.”

Walker is a public school educator and seeks to advance in her career. “I have been working as a second grade teacher in the public school system the last three years and have thoroughly enjoyed my career,” she said. “I look forward to taking my talents and moving into a position of leadership for a school system … My main goal is to create curriculum that is inclusive of all students, while also depicting the culturally relevant aspects of Native American history and traditions.”

Walker earned her Bachelor of Science degree in education from East Central University where she graduated with honors and was a member of the Alpha Chi National Honor Society. She completed her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of North Texas, and was a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society and the Kappa Delta Pi International Society in education.

Walker knows being awarded these seven scholarships would be impossible without donors. “Words cannot adequately express my level of appreciation for the Chickasaw Foundation and their scholarship donors!”

Congratulations, Alexis Walker! The Chickasaw Foundation is proud of your success and wishes you the best in your future endeavors.

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